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发布时间:2021-04-18 21:27:51

1. 山西多家农商行成为东旭集团提款机的背后真相是什么



2. 听说东旭光电的控股股东东旭集团要发可交换私募债券,谁知道具体详情

据了解,东旭集团目前持有东旭光电39,009.30万股股份,占东旭光电的已发行股本总数的14.65%,东旭集团与其一致行动人石家庄宝石电子集团有限责任公司合计持有东旭光电72,247.40万股股份,占东旭光电已发行股本总数的27.14%。根据东旭光电的公告显示,本次可交换债券拟发行期限不超过3年,拟募集资金规模不超过人民币40亿元(含40亿 元)。在满足换股条件下,本次可交换债券持有人有权在本次可交换债券发行结束日满一定期限后将其所持有的本次可交换债券交换为东旭光电股票

3. 山西40多家农商行成为东旭集团的提款机背后真相是什么



4. 吉林银行股份有限公司吉林分行怎么样


5. 洛阳农村商业银行股份有限公司吉利支行怎么样

简介: 吉利农村商业银行是经中国银监会批准成立的地方性股份制金融机构,前身是成立于1952年的洛阳市吉利区农村信用合作联社。 洛阳吉利农村商业银行股份有限公司更名为洛阳农村商业银行股份有限公司吉利支行。

6. 东旭光电发行可交换债券了吗


7. 麻烦给翻译下信用证LC的相关内容,谢谢了!

Letter of credit
Letter of Credit (Letter of Credit, L / C), is the issuing bank should be the applicant's request in accordance with its instructions to the third contained a certain amount of prescribing, in a certain period of time with the required payment documentation file a written guarantee. Letter of credit is the most important international trade, the most common method of payment.
In international trade activities, both parties may distrust, fear advances buyer, the seller is not required under the contract delivery; seller also worry about delivery or shipping documents submitted to the buyer does not pay. Therefore, the two banks as buyers and sellers need a guarantor, on behalf of receiving pay bills, bank credit instead of commercial credit. Bank activities in this tool is used in the letter of credit.
Shows that bank credit is a conditional guarantee of payment certificate, the international trade in the common method of settlement. In accordance with the general provisions of this settlement, the buyer first deposit money banks, by a bank letter of credit, notify the depositary bank remote seller to convey to the vendor, contracts and letters of credit provided by the terms of shipping, banking on behalf of the buyer's payment.
Glossary: Credit English as: letter of credit. Abbreviated as: l / c, or LOC.
① In the bond issuance process, a commitment issued by a bank guarantee when the debtor to the debt service schele. If the bond issuer is unable to fulfill the repayment obligations, the bank will issue letters of credit to fulfill the repayment obligations.
② in international trade, importers exporters bank to pay the bank guarantee issued documents, and promised that after the goods arrive at the importer or exporter of goods, to the Export Bank to issue payments.
(1) description of the letter of credit itself. As its type, nature, ration and place of maturity.
(2) the requirements of the goods. Described under the contract.
(3) transportation requirements.
(4) documentation requirements, that is, goods receipts, transport documents, insurance documents and other relevant documents.
(5) special requirements.
(6) The issuing bank drafts to beneficiaries and holders of the responsibility to ensure payment terms of the motion.
(7) to permit the majority of all foreign notation: "Unless otherwise specified, the International Chamber of Commerce" Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, "the International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600 (" ucp600 ") process."
(8) The provisions of the inter-bank wire transfer claims (t / t reimbursement clause).
Main features of letters of credit have three characteristics: First, not dependent on credit sales contract, a single bank in the trial, stressed that the basis of trade credit and formal separation of the written certification; second letter of credit is a payment voucher, not to subject the goods. As long as the documents in line with the issuing bank should be unconditional payment; third letter of credit is a bank credit, which is the bank of a security document.



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